eog won't open a certain jpeg.

I made a jpeg in hugin photostitcher.
The jpeg won't open eog. An error message appears on the screen:
Error interpreting JPEG image file (Suspension not allowed here).

Eog spits out many error messages similar to the following on the command line:

(eog:16255): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gnome-applications.css:491:25: Not a valid image

It opens in ImageMagick and gimp, rawtherapee and shotwell, Firefox, however, fails to open it.

Jpeginfo says the file is OK ~~>
jpeginfo -c ~/Pictures/CordovaBayforStitch/testjpg.jpg
/home/chris/Pictures/CordovaBayforStitch/testjpg.jpg 4947 x 1038 24bit Exif  N 3917312  [OK]

Here is a link to the picture, if you want to try to it.

CRF (Chris Fahlman, Victoria, B.C., Canada)

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