Re: plugins schema

Hi Patrick,

Am Donnerstag, den 23.08.2012, 12:28 +0100 schrieb Patrick Welche:
> I just tried installing eog 3.4.3 from source, with no eog-plugins.
> If I run eog, I get
>   Settings schema 'org.gnome.eog.plugins' is not installed
> which is true, I don't, but I do have org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml which
> references
>     <child name="plugins" schema="org.gnome.eog.plugins"/>
> So the question is, how is eog.convert meant to work?
> It looks as though it is meant to take a pre-existing eog installation's
> GConf settings and create a org.gnome.eog.plugins schema from it.
> Is this right, and does that mean that a fresh installation like mine with
> no GConf can't create it?

you are partially mixing two things here. 
Yes, org.gnome.eog.gschema.xml references a 'org.gnome.eog.plugins'
namespace at the top. But it should also be defined at the end of the

  <schema path="/org/gnome/eog/plugins/" id="org.gnome.eog.plugins">
    <key type="as" name="active-plugins">
      <summary>Active plugins</summary>
      <description>List of active plugins. It doesn't contain the
"Location" of the active plugins. See the .eog-plugin file for obtaining
the "Location" of a given plugin.</description>

This is totally independent of the eog-plugins package and is used by
eog (which ships with three plugins itself) to remember the loaded

So far it looks like this part might be missing from your schema
somehow. Have you installed eog correctly?

Then there's eog.convert which does exactly nothing unless someone calls
gsettings-data-convert (gnome-session does it on login I think). Then it
tries to migrate existing GConf keys over to GSettings. This is only
done once for every .convert file installed and doesn't do anything if
you don't have the corresponding GConf key.



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