Re: Eog port


Am Mittwoch, den 19.10.2011, 11:12 +0300 schrieb Claudio Saavedra:

> I'm actually talking about the frustration of accepting at some point
> that the project you started rewriting won't necessarily accept your
> code.

Don't worry that's ok, I do not expect anything. Eog will still benefit
a little bit from my effort, since I already found a few bugs in the C

> > But rewriting anything before thinking exactly what's that the GNOME
> > > image viewer should be, would probably be a waste of effort.

Sure but in my opinion I know exactly what it should be. An application
with a modern programming language which allows changes byt the
occasional drive by programmer :-)
> > What I am currently doing is to apply all changes between eog-2.32 and eog-3.2.
> > After that I'll start the bugfixing once again.
> This is exactly one of the reasons why this approach is wrong. By the
> time you're done, you could eventually need to start applying the
> changes between 3.2 and HEAD, and so on.

Yes of course, but that's a problem of any branch. You always have to
track HEAD. In my case I have to apply quite a bit since I started to
port 2.32 since I had no gnome3 libraries available at that time.
But after that is finished I don't expect that it is to hard to track.

> Please don't take me wrong, but I appreciate your enthusiasm and I
> would feel much better about it if we could use it in a more
> productive way.

Hmm, I have no idea how that should look like sine I will not start
writing apps in C. There is just no point in it, imho.
And don't get me wrong, emails are really bad for such type of
conversations since they don't transport emotions. I really do like all
the efforts and time you have spend in writing eog!


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