Eye of GNOME 3.3.2


We skipped the 3.3.1 release due to a compatibility problem with
glib-2.31.0. But that's fixed now and you can enjoy the first unstable
release in the 3.3/3.4 cycle.

* What is it ?

Eye of GNOME (EOG) is the image viewer for the GNOME desktop.

* What's changed in 3.3.2 (since 3.2.0) ?

 * Fix deadlock with recently changed GApplication-behaviour (Ryan Lortie)
 * Automatically reload unmodified images when the file changes (Felix Riemann)
 * Try to preserve file attributes when saving (Javier Sánchez)
 * Allow reusing a window from the commandline (Michael Wünsch)
 * Improved help docs (Tiffany Antopolski)

Bug fixes:

 #555370, eog should auto-refresh when file changes (Felix Riemann)
 #614869, File paths get cut off in properties dialog (Felix Riemann)
 #617735, Add Functionality to open image always in same window (Michael Wünsch)
 #653065, On edit/rotation of image, group permissions eliminated/
          changed to "none" (Javier Sánchez)
 #655205, Image display stutters (Felix Riemann)
 #661325, doc, minor rephrasing needed (Tiffany Antopolski)
 #662630, eog fails to launch and hangs. (Ryan Lortie)

New and updated translations:

- Ihar Hrachyshka [be]
- Paul Seyfert [de]
- Daniel Mustieles [es]
- Fran Dieguez [gl]
- Yaron Shahrabani [he]
- Hideki Yamane [ja]
- Algimantas Margevičius [lt]
- Thura Hlaing [my]
- Kjartan Maraas [nb]
- Stas Solovey [ru]
- Matej Urbančič [sl]
- Krishnababu Krothapalli [te]
- Muhammet Kara [tr]
- Daniel Korostil [uk]
- Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy [vi]
- Andiswa Mvanyashe [xh]

New and updated manual translations

- Daniel Mustieles [es]
- Alain Lojewski, Bruno Brouard [fr]
- Gabor Kelemen [hu]
- Andrej Žnidaršič [sl]

* Where can I get it ?

Source code:

http://download.gnome.org/sources/eog/3.3/eog-3.3.2.tar.xz  (3.05M)
  sha256sum: abbbffc379ff18dc4ca88375c301d5b88c1e0b0661a3b3c909cd520a6ba8b9c3

http://download.gnome.org/sources/eog/3.3/eog-3.3.2.tar.bz2 (3.55M)
  sha256sum: 9da49eef39fb870d1d2178286140726836698cf59ce0b99091eb82e4fe5ddb2a


The Eye Team

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