Re: Eog-list Digest, Vol 51, Issue 7


Regarding the IDEs question, I use Geany. Although far from perfect, I think it balances being lightweight and having a full and helpful GUI.


Joaquim Rocha

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Today's Topics:

   1. IDE for eog development (Christoph 'Gigi' Fuchs)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 18:04:51 +0200
From: "Christoph 'Gigi' Fuchs" <dergigi gmail com>
Subject: IDE for eog development
To: eog-list gnome org
	<1c13e4860904170904u528b249es8b601cdd5607b97e mail gmail com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi everybody,
I would like to hack on eog for a bit and I would like to ask you one question:

-- What IDE do you use to develop C programs like eog?

If you only use a editor like vim/emacs I would like to know that too
- just out of curiosity.

Thanks in advance,


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Eog-list gnome org

End of Eog-list Digest, Vol 51, Issue 7

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