Re: Introducing you the new Eye of GNOME website!

2007/1/9, Claudio Saavedra <csaavedra alumnos utalca cl>:
[I hate my touchpad, yes, I do]

Hi all!

It's my pleasure to announce you that, thanks to Trend Danieldsen, we
count now with a cool, GNOME'ish, and fresh website for the Eye of

Thanks a lot Trend! You did a great job!

Now everyone go and post on your blogs about it! We need google's
pagerank algorithm to put the website in the first place for eog'
related searches! So, go, go, go!



If somebody want the original gimp files for the graphics in the title
bar, let me know.

BTW: Even though it would be pretty cool and trendy, my name is not
Trend, it is Trond :).

Trond Danielsen

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