Re: image clasification.

> > , but I'm not sure what library to use in order to read jpg or png
> > files. Any suggestion? (sorry if it's not the correct place to answer
> > this).

> What about gdk-pixbuf? If you use Gnome 2.0 it's already included in Gtk+
> 2.0. For 1.4 it's a separate package. With gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file () you
> can get a GdkPixbuf object for your image file. It supports also a lot of
> other image file formats than jpeg and png.

yes ,I have already skip through the API of gdk-pixbuf. And there I found some
functions that I need, like: width, eight, access to actual pixels,
etc...but I was wondering if for example in the case of PGN, would be
better to use gdk-pixbuf or libpng? gdk-pixbuf use libpng as far as I know.

Basically the image classification system wil have (for this very beginning):

- Preprocessing unit (remove noise, edge enhancement (Shen-Castan edge
  detector, any better choice)).

- Classificator (based on a "Self Organized Map"and a "Backpropagation Network")

So, I need access to the atributtes I  talked above, so I can implement
the algorithms I have just mention. ALso I'm wondering how fast those
algorithms can be.



cesar	(Free Software Foundation) 	(Z magazine)	(Free radio)

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