Re: Section from "What's New in Fedora 28 Workstation?" article for Fedora Magazine

On Sat, 2018-04-21 at 10:46 -0700, Link Dupont wrote:

Here is my current draft of the section about Nautilus. Please let me
know if we (as the GNOME engagement team) like the way this is
messaged, of if we want to change it:

My maij suggestion would be to try & give it a mre upbeat paragraph
with a conclusion, e.g.,
"The new Nautilus (Files) is faster, easier to maintain, less buggy,
giving us a faster overall feel for the GNOME desktop"

Remember that the only people made happy by removing features generally
are developers, so it's best to recast it as a new feature that people
might actually want.

Liam (ankh)

Liam Quin, W3C,
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