Re: Help with GUADEC graphic design tasks

Nuritzi Sanchez <nuritzis stanfordalumni org> wrote:
Some questions about the drink and admission tickets:

How big should each of these be?
They should stay at the current sizes - A7 for the tickets and A8 for
the drink tokens. This is to ensure that they fit inside the
conference badge.

What is the grey square for?
The logo.

When are you printing these so that we know when to deliver final assets?
I'm aiming to have the printing finalised by Monday, although it might
be more like Wednesday. There's still a lot to do.

We're hoping to add the 20th birthday logo in and potentially change the
font a little. Kate was thinking of redesigning the ticket a little to make
it more readable if we're printing it small. Adding Kate here so she can
communicate directly :)
Any changes would be welcome. Kate should have access to the marketing repo.


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