LinuxFest Northwest 2017: The Mechanics of Freedom
LinuxFest is celebrating 18 years of service to the Free and Open Source community. Please join us by presenting at one of the largest, technically diverse, educational, and fun open source conferences in the Pacific Northwest. The conference had 1850 attendees last year, and this year promises to be even bigger.
May 6th and 7th, 2017
9am - 5pm
Bellingham Technical College
3028 Lindbergh Avenue
Bellingham, WA 98225
Call For Presentations:
This year we’re looking for presentations around the theme ‘The Mechanics of Freedom’. Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things are becoming even more integrated in the lives of regular citizens. Along with these changes comes concern over the trade-offs between convenience and privacy. We would like to see talks that bring together pieces of this larger puzzle.
For example: Privacy in the age of relentless online tracking, How bots can help you onboard new community members, Training driverless vehicles, How the Internet of Things took down DNS
We’re looking for 60 minute and 90 minute talks. The theme is not mandatory but highly encouraged. See more info about this years tracks, including one for expert topics:
Tutorials Track:
Tutorials are hands-on labs which can run 90 minutes or two and a half hours, and be held in the tutorium, a computer lab with capacity for 24 people.
Papers Submission Deadline: March 1st, 2017 at 11:59pm PST.
Acceptance Notification: March 10th, 2017
Open Source Project Collaboration Space:
We have a few rooms available for projects who are interested in hosting a sprint or other mini-conference at LinuxFest Northwest. Please include as much information about your project, how you plan to advertise the sprint, and expected attendance.
Previous uses of these spaces have been PostgreSQL talks, Django Girls tutorials, Drupal code sprints, KDE days, LibreOffice dev sprints, and a Fedora user track. You can reserve a room for sessions, code sprints, or unconferences.
Community Tracks Deadline: March 8th, 2017 at 11:59pm Pacific Time.
We are also seeking sponsors. If you are interested in sponsoring our event and reaching nearly 2000 technically minded individuals please visit:
Visit the 2017 site to submit your session, tutorial, or community collaboration room. If you've attended in the past, your existing user details should work.
Keep updated with us: