Re: Annual Report - Bugzilla stats?

Le mardi 14 juin 2016 à 12:39 +0200, Bastien Nocera a écrit :
Apart from having your name in the report, if you're one of the
people in the list, this is useful when analysed, and would be even
more useful when extended.

For example, you might want to have a list of people who don't work
for vendors to be listed, explain why some folks are high up on the
list (they're paid to work on a core component), highlight community
contributors, show that there is peer-review, that bugs are fixed
(maybe even long-standing bugs), etc.

If it's a copy/paste of the yearly stats that the bugmasters send on
New Year's day, then it's not useful in the report except for one's
bragging rights.

That would be very cool indeed... the problem is getting someone (or an
easy technique) to do the analysis without too much difficulty. Do you
have something in mind?

Otherwise we get either the same formula or taking it out entirely...

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