This might be a good opportunity for us to review the structure of the Engagement Team folders in ownCloud. When I originally created these, I thought that they all needed to be in a root directory called Shared, but I see other shared folders in the root now so I think it would be a good idea to break them out. The folders we currently have are:- Engagement Team - Archive [old material we no longer use]
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 - ...
 - ...- Engagement Team - Assets [materials primarily intended for use by the Engagement Team] - Dummy Content [we use this for creating screenshots] - Photos - Screenshots - Videos- Engagement Team - Public [designs we make available for the community to use; there's a public link for the folder] - Badges - Leaflets - Posters - Stickers - T-Shirts - Videos- Engagement Team - Work In Progress [this is currently empty]Does this structure make sense to people? I realise that "assets" might not be that common a term for some, but it seemed more specific than "resources".