Hi everyone,
The next GNOME version - 3.20 -
is scheduled for release on 23rd March. That's four weeks from now. This is one of the key times of the year for the Engagement Team, and there is plenty for us to do.
The main, essential things that we need to do for the release are:
- Release video (Bastian is already working on this)
- Write the release notes, including screenshots (instructions and schedule)
- Write an announcement news post for gnome.org
- Create a screenshot pack
- Update the screenshots on the website
- Social media coverage: for the release announcement itself, but also in the run up to the release and immediately afterwards
Help is wanted with all areas so please speak up if you are interested. Also, is there anything else we should do?!
In terms of planning, it would be great to have a social media plan. We'll also need to coordinate on the day of the release (
some notes about this).