linuxfest northwest promotion

Howdy folks,

So my talk on GNOME Builder was accepted at Linuxfest Northwest.  This is a hugely popular conference on par with FOSDEM and has a similar look and feel.  What makes this different for GNOME is that we have not only the talk but a on-site hackfest.

So what I would like to do is work on some promotional ideas for Linuxfest Northwest and maybe work with the conference.  Things to think about:

* twitter hashtags
* g+ posting
* pictures

But hopefully we can have some output.  Christian and I will be there, but I'm hoping to get some more volunteers to help.  So, I would like to start organizing a call for volunteers as well.  I want to make this painless for Christian so that he can focus on builder hacking and not any of the other bits.

This is again the first time we have ever done a hackfest at the site of a major conference of over 2000 attendees.  So I'm hoping that this is not only a way to talk about GNOME Builder, GNOME but also xdg-app.  Of course we will also talk about LAS GNOME and other conferences.


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