Re: When "GNOME" doesn't really mean GNOME

To be fair, I've seen "worse" in terms of divergence. The changes Korora
made are fairly minute and superficial in my humble opinion, and I
certainly would not want to discourage them from being enthusiastic
about shipping GNOME. Looking at that page you mention, they even took
an effort to make it somewhat clear their version is tweaked, so you
need to be tactful in how you communicate this.

Perhaps the only change that would need to be made to that page is to
adjust the title at the top, from "Discover. Korora's GNOME Desktop" to
something like:

- Discover. Korora's GNOME-based desktop
- Discover. Our Korora-flavoured GNOME desktop
- Discover. Our very own flavour of the GNOME desktop
- Discover. The GNOME Desktop with a Korora touch.

The rest of the page seems perfectly fine to me.

Perhaps they could be extra-nice and hyperlink the word "GNOME" (right
under the "Simply beautiful" header) to the main GNOME website so that
users can compare visually with the vanilla experience. But I'm not sure
if we should ask for that.

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