Re: FOSDEM GTK+ brochure

On Thu, Jan 08, 2015 at 05:31:39PM +0100, Olav Vitters wrote:
On Thu, Jan 08, 2015 at 05:12:28PM +0100, Olav Vitters wrote:
GTK+ has been created in 1996 for the GIMP — the
GNU Image Manipulation Program — but has quickly

"- a photo retouching, image composition and image authoring program -"

The GIMP acronym is still relevant IMO.

become a general-purpose library used by a large

Maybe something "and quickly evolved into"

Changed as:
"but quickly evolved into a general-purpose library"

• Cairo, a library for 2D graphics with support for
  multiple output devices (including the X Window
  System, Win32) while producing a consistent output

Wayland, OS X?

I've added Quartz, as mentioned here:

But Wayland is mentioned nowhere. "git grep -i wayland" in the cairo
repo gives no results. Wayland is mentioned only once in the git log. So
I don't know how Cairo works on Wayland.

I'm not sure, but with bullet points shouldn't you do:
* bla;
* bar;
* foo.


Yes, I think it's better. But it looks a bit weird (maybe because I'm
not used to this style).

At the end of this page:
dots are used for each item, with an uppercase letter at the beginning.

GLib contains also lots of utilities:

Remove "also" IMO, or before "contains"

Wondering about "lots" or "loads"

Changed as:
"GLib also contains loads of utilities:"

GObject – an Object System

Most modern programming languages come with their
own native object systems and additional fundamental
algorithmic language constructs. Just as GLib
serves as an implementation of such fundamental types
and algorithms (linked lists, hash tables and so forth),
GObject provides the required implementations of a

s/the required/an/ ?
and s/implementations/implementation/ ?


GIO is striving to provide a modern, easy-to-use Virtual

s/is striving to provide/provides/

As we should not be doubting what we provide.

I prefer "is striving to provide", it's more humble. Making GIO "modern,
easy-to-use" is probably not easy, so "striving" means lots of effort
has been invested. At least it's how I see it.

The sentence comes from the GIO introduction:

File System (VFS) API that sits at the right level
in the library stack, as well as other generally useful
APIs for desktop applications (such as networking and
D-Bus support). The goal is to provide an API that

Above sentence seems a bit too long.

s/The goal/It was created to/ IMO

is so good that developers prefer it over raw POSIX
calls. Among other things that means using GObject.
It also means not cloning the POSIX API, but providing

The DBus and VFS seems like it should be split out a bit IMO.

Modified as:
"GIO is striving to provide a modern, easy-to-use Virtual File System
(VFS) API that sits at the right level in the library stack. GIO also
contains other generally useful APIs for desktop applications (such as
networking and D-Bus support). It was created to provide an API that is
so good that developers prefer it over raw POSIX calls."

The GTK+ Widget Toolkit

GTK+ provides a flexible theming system with a CSSlike
syntax. The default theme is Adwaita, used by the
GNOME desktop, but other themes can be created
so an application can be well integrated with other
desktop environments or mobile devices.

This gives the impression that e.g. GTK+ by default looks out of place
on anything other than GNOME. E.g. bad in KDE, Mac OS X and Windows. I
don't think that is the case though.

Changed as:
"Among other things, GTK+ provides a flexible theming system with a
CSS-like syntax, as well as an interactive inspector."

About Versions

s/About Versions/Release schedule and versioning scheme/


There are new GLib, GObject, GIO, GTK+ and
GNOME stable releases every six months, around

Maybe: "Every six months there are new..." ?


March and September. A version number has the form
X.Y.Z, where “Y” is even for stable versions and is
odd for unstable versions. A new minor stable version
(e.g. 3.14.0 ! 3.14.1) doesn’t add new features,
only translation updates, bug fixes and performance
improvements. For a library, a new major version number
(“X” in X.Y.Z) generally means there has been an
API break, but fortunately previous major versions are

s/, but fortunately previous/. Previous/
s/, but fortunately previous/. To address this, previous/

I prefer the second one, so there is a link between the two sentences.

More information:

This gives the impression it is part of the versioning scheme section.
Could it be made to appear different?

I've added a section.

Another way is to add an horizontal line, but I prefer the section.

Thanks for the review! I've updated the PDF.


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