Re: GNOME Promo Video Animation Mockup

Pretty sweet, Bastian.  I'm getting a much better idea of what you're thinking here.  My only issue is that it's sort of cold in a star trekkie kind of way.  It would be great to also have a contrasting video full of warm colors, smiles, and so forth as well.  I think this video might appeal to one cross section of our users.  What do other people think?  Great voice over btw!  I like your voice.

On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 2:23 PM, Bastian Hougaard <gnome rvzt net> wrote:
Hi #marketing!

I am doing some progress on the promotion video. I have spent the last
weeks finding solutions to various problems the creation of this
animation introduces.

Me and sri held a meeting yesterday and we decided that I should do a
mockup of the animation and hear what the rest of you think. The mockup
can be watched here (it has sound btw):

I recommend you to read the storyboard first to get an idea.

Yes, I did mess up the order of events but that was of course not my
intention. Other than that, all feedback is welcome! As soon as my examn
period is over I will look into creating the actual animation. :-)

Best Regards,


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