Re: Guadec keynote speaker interview2- need review

De: Karen Sandler <karen gnome org>
Para: Flavia Weisghizzi <flavia weisghizzi it> 
CC: marketing-list gnome org 
Enviado: Viernes 5 de julio de 2013 2:49
Asunto: Re: Guadec keynote speaker interview2- need review

On Thu, July 4, 2013 7:32 pm, Flavia Weisghizzi wrote:
Hi all!

I send you the questions I wrote for Cathy Malmrose.
As agree I kept questions directly regarding Guadec, the same we send to
Ethan, and I wrote for Cathy questions n°1 and n°4.

Please take a look and give suggestions, if you want!
My main question was whether we should make the question about
women optional. Not all women want to talk about the issue just 
because they are one :)

I couldn't agree more ! :-)  so I think also that make sense ask this kind of optional question to men if you 
think appropiate.



      -- Juanjo Marin

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