2nd openSUSE Collaboration Summer Camp, July 20-22nd, Katerini-Greece

Hello friends,

During summer, openSUSE community in Greece, will organize the 2nd Collaboration Summer Camp.

Last year I participated and presented the Gnome Shell environment.
You can see my presentation (in Greek).

You can also check some pictures http://bit.ly/pXSCxg
As you can see, we had lot of fun at the pool, beers and also some presentations (Gentoo, Python, Gnome, KDE, openSUSE etc).

For more information for this year check

I know that it's close to GUADEC, if anyone wants to visit and present-help, it would be nice. Not sure what to present this year. Maybe the same subject like previous event in Greece (Gnome extensions)? I'm afraid of 2 things though. Most of the participants are KDE users and also they're advanced users (some are developers).
What do you think?
Thanks for your help.

http://iosifidis.co.cc or http://eiosifidis.tk
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/eiosifidis
Google+: http://bit.ly/IU5p3I
Connect: https://connect.opensuse.org/pg/profile/diamond_gr

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