Fw: AGM Meeting: Proposal (on p.g.o)

----- Mensaje reenviado -----
De: Bastien Nocera <hadess hadess net>
Para: Alberto Ruiz <aruiz gnome org>
CC: "foundation-list gnome org" <foundation-list gnome org>
Enviado: Domingo 29 de julio de 2012 18:00
Asunto: Re: AGM Meeting: Proposal (on p.g.o)

Em Sun, 2012-07-29 às 15:41 +0100, Alberto Ruiz escreveu:
  Maybe we can just forward peoeple to GNOME Memes through the official
  GNOME twitter account and/or G+... I think this needs a bit more
  discussion and thought.

  However, it seems to me that there is a broad consensus that one way
  or the other Commit Digests should go in, am I right?
From my side, I'd say "ask the marketing team". I guess they'd 
come to
similar conclusions.

Hi !

I guess you already know, but in the foundation list some people suggest to
ask the marketing team if there is answer about the inclusion of GNOME 
memes [1] and Commit Diggest [2]

[1] http://gnomememes.tumblr.com/
[2] http://blogs.gnome.org/commitdigest/

Discussion in: https://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-list/2012-July/msg00016.html

I don't know if we agree to give a recommendation as a team. From my personal

1) GNOME memes, though is funny for most of the people, there could be cases that
this particular sense of humour can be misanderstood by some people. AFAIK, it's
an anonymous blog so we can't make sure she will follow the Code of Conduct,
and this is my main concern.  The good part is most of the jokes are about
the gnome community so it is good to communicate we don't take ourselves
too much seriously. Not very sure if it is suitable to include this, though I'm not 
totally against.

2) The Commit Diggest is very informative blog about what is going on in the
project. I can't find any reason to not include this in planet gnome.


    -- Juanjo Marin

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