Re: Annual report - ready to print (almost)

On 07/20/2012 04:30 AM, Diego Escalante Urrelo wrote:
Commenting is easy so here I go:

- Isn't Karen's signature a bit "dirty"?

- On the cover, isn't Annual Report a bit missaligned? Or is it just a
printing consideration? Also, the all caps looks a bit "Arialish"
Fixed. Caps would be Chantarell bold.
- Why not serif fonts for the main text too? Like in page 8 for
quotes, I believe this is usually easier to read on big text blocks.
(sorry, this is by far the naggiest comment)
It is indeed. ;)
- On page 11/12 for Hackfests, the photo that is going to be cut in
the middle... Literally cuts down the girl in the middle. Any chance
to use another (the one with the laptops perhaps, since the middle is
empty, although it looks cool on the left already)?
Will try to fix. Running short on time.
- On page 19, the interview with Daniel has some weird spacing, I mean
that there is a lot of blank before the title. I fail to see the
reason, I suppose it is some aligment reason.
Now that you hate me, I will go on and say that it looks really cool
:-). Pages are well built, photos well used and the simplicity is
really GNOMEish.
No, I love you, as always.
- Andreas

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