Re: Guadalinfo Accesible case study
- From: J. Félix Ontañón <fontanon emergya es>
- To: marketing-list gnome org
- Subject: Re: Guadalinfo Accesible case study
- Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2012 18:55:21 +0100
Hi again. Please find in the following link the refered document, both
in editable and printable format.t both in english and spanish.
This study case shows how Andalusia regional gov. choosed Gnome
Desktop for setting up accessible workstations at their telecenter
Including the full list of adapted devices and accessibility software,
I believe this experience could encourage another similar projects to
choose Gnome Desktop too (education, libraries, telecenters, public
internet access centers ...). Licensed as CC-BY, please feel free to
modify, transform and publish the whole content or some excertps.
Do you think it could be worthy enough for putting it under Spain's
Gnome Deployment[1] wiki page?
Kind regards,
2011/12/29 Christy Eller <iamchristyeller gmail com>:
2011/12/29 José Félix Ontañon <fontanon emergya com>
El día 29 de diciembre de 2011 20:25, Christy Eller
<iamchristyeller gmail com> escribió:
Hi Felix-
I think this is awesome! I'd like to get more of this kind of info on
website . It really shows what open source can accomplish for the common
good. In my mind, this makes it as donation-worthy as any non-profit.
Hi Christy! Thanks for your interest
The case study will be released with CC-SA licence, so you will be
able to publish any information inside just refering to the original
I've been inside the Guadalinfo project for several years, I can
confirm every conclusion of the report, as:
* The project leaders invested in developing upstream for gnome3
* A big kit of accessibility devices are working on-the-fly with gnome
* Using free software for turning the computers into accessible
workstations allowed the project directors to invest lots more on
buying devices.
Christy, I wonder why do you replied me directly instead of posting to
the marketing-list ...
Best regards
Women's Outreach Program Intern working on
2011/12/28 J. Félix Ontañón <fontanon emergya es>
Hello everybody,
Last 30Nov took place the "Accessibility of the libre! workstation"[1]
conference, gathering people from companies, universities and
communities related with accessibility, free software and the Gnome
desktop (as Igalia or Emergya). A pending commitment was to describe a
case study of accesible desktops deployments, something like Paul
Cutler's "Gnome success study in Andalusia"[2] but related with
I've been working on a case study about the project "Guadalinfo
Accesible"[3], wich aims to provide an accessible desktop for the
users of the telecenter network Guadalinfo (Andalusia, Spain) a
gnome-based free software assistive technologies. A close to 9.0000
volume of computers. In this study i'm really enhacing the idea of
Gnome as a perfect desktop platform for providing accessible
A candidate index for "Guadalinfo accesible case study" is:
* About the Guadalinfo telecenter network
* Objectives of the Guadalinfo Accesible project
* Interview with the project director.
* Kit of gnome-compatible accessibility devices deployed to the center
* Software developments of accessible tecnhologies made
* Other actions taken: remote support, accessibility literacy plan ...
* Budget for the project: advantages of using free software and
collaborating with the Gnome community
* Annex I: Comprehensive description of accessibility software used
* Annex II: Statistical analisys of people with disabilities in
The point is, what should be done in order to build a document really
useful for the people at Marketing team? Do you miss something?
J. Félix Ontañón Carmona
marketing-list mailing list
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J. Félix Ontañón Carmona
Emergya Consultoría
Tfno: +34 954 51 75 77 / +34 661 91 27 26
Fax: +34 954 51 64 73
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marketing-list gnome org
J. Félix Ontañón Carmona
Emergya Consultoría
Tfno: +34 954 51 75 77 / +34 661 91 27 26
Fax: +34 954 51 64 73
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