Re: Annual Report Status?

On Mon, February 27, 2012 5:00 pm, Brian Cameron wrote:

On 02/27/12 03:50 PM, Dave Neary wrote:
IMHO, it's better not to have "homework" articles - if a team
doesn't have anything compelling to write about, they shouldn't
be in the report.


Though it is pretty sad if any GNOME team has nothing to report of
anything done in the past 2 years, considering that's when GNOME 3

But we definitely should not be wasting our time waiting around
for teams that cannot get their act together.

Actually, everyone's busy, so I think it often helps to put something
together from materials they've written already and then see if it can be
updated and improved by the team! Annual reports should be good to read,
but they also need a comprehensive overview of what our organization has
been up to in the period, even if there are teams that are not excited
about writing stuff up.


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