Re: Ubuntu GNOME Flavor naming

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 10:22 PM, Robert Ancell
<robert ancell canonical com> wrote:

Wasn't the conclusion at UDS not to use a combined name but use Ubuntu
GNOME or similar as suggested in this thread?
On the list, but can't participate in GNOME at the moment (my hardware
is too old, but throwing in two cents anyway as an impartial
observer): If you have Xubuntu for the Xfce version of Ubuntu and you
have Kubuntu for the KDE version of Ubuntu, it would only be natural
to have the GNOME version at least start with a G or have the "Gno" or
"Gnome" at the front. The X in Xubuntu and the K in Kubuntu make the
each of those distros stand out and stand apart from the main distro,
whereas something like "Ubuntu GNOME" makes the desktop enviornment
sound like an afterthought.

For what it's worth, I think Gubuntu -- despite the fact it's a
homonym for the Google version -- or Gnobuntu (pronounced
guh-no-bun-tu)  would work. On the latter, even though it may sound
like "no," the G at the front makes those reading it realize it's a
GNOME version. I don't think Gnomebuntu or GNOMEbuntu work for a
variety of reasons.

Larry Cafiero

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