Re: marketing list round up

Marketing Team:

There have been a few things that seem to have fallen by the wayside here
and I was wondering if maybe it would help to have monthly or bi-weekly
IRC meetings? If there was a time that worked for everyone, it would be
nice to have a place to review some of our medium and long term goals.

I think this is a great idea.  Considering the current backlog of work,
I think it makes sense to start with bi-weekly.  After a few meetings,
it should be clear if the meetings should be held more or less

Some things off the cuff that we have to discuss are:
        * writing Q3 and annual reports
        * the website
                - Friends of Gnome program
                - adding a sponsorship page

Yes, the GNOME Foundation continues to turn away sponsors when they seem
mostly interested in having some logo placement.  If GNOME could have a
page where significant sponsors could put a logo of their choice, then
we could pursue these sorts of opportunities more.

Our current Friends of GNOME website does not really provide many
benefits that would especially appeal to corporate or organizational
donors.  Providing a page where high donors can put their logos would
be a simple step that would help with this.  Though, I think there are
a other things we should also consider.  Consider:

* Providing a special sponsorship level that gives an organization the
  ability to sponsor a certain number of events in the year (e.g.
  GUADEC) to have their logo placed on event banners and things.
* Making it possible to sponsor an issue of GNOME Journal, the Annual
  Report, etc.
* Giving a certain number of free passes to an event that normally has
  an entrance fee.

It would also be cool if we could make it possible for organizations to
get benefits for a lower donation amount if they meet certain
conditions (long time member of the advisory board, regular donor, if
they send a certain number of engineers to GNOME events each year,

These sorts of benefits would make sponsoring our activities and being
involved more valuable to sponsors, I should think.

It seems that with just a little enhancement, we could dramatically
improve our abilities to raise funds, and provide better sponsorship
levels for more donors to get involved.

Couldn't we do these sorts of things by just making it clear on the
Friends of GNOME program that these sorts of benefits are available, and
putting together a logo placement page?

                - promoting our merch store and those of preferred vendors
        * creating a press list

Other important items are:

        * The next issue of GNOME Journal is coming out in July or
          August 2011?  With GNOME 3.2 on the way, do we have nothing
          interesting to say?

        * We really need to figure out how to better promote those
          organizations that are selling official GNOME branded
          merchandise.  A banner ad?  Something to link from the
          Friends of GNOME page, or in GNOME Journal?

        * The website is long overdue for a
          facelift.  It is clear that we need to better communicate the
          value of being a Foundation member.  The board would really
          like some input from the Marketing team about how we could
          make membership more attractive.  We also need help updating
          the website so it is more modern and better communicates this
          value.  Help us consider what services we should provide to
          Foundation members.  Some suggestions from the board include:

          * Business cards
          * Being a member a prerequisite for being involved in
            certain programs (e.g. GNOME Ambassadors), or to hold
            particular positions in the community (e.g. the release
          * Real badges (SmartCards?) for GNOME Foundation membership
            and Friends of GNOME that expire when your membership
            expires LWN for GNOME Foundation members.
          * Better promote LWN program.
          * Make sure addresses expire when membership expires
          * Planet GNOME inclusion could depend on being a Foundation



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