Re: Friends of GNOME and Hackers list

Hi Og,

I guess it's no big deal for most people one way or the other :).


On 03/30/11 11:00, Og Maciel wrote:
Good morning everyone!

Rosanna just brought to my attention that originally, hackers who
volunteered to send out postcards for Friends of GNOME subscribers
would only do that until their "quota" of postcards lasted. Once they
ran out of poscards, we would then "retire" them and replace with a
new hacker (no penalty if hacker decides to stick around). I've been
going under the impression that once the poscard stack ran out, we
would send some more... so I may have pestered our volunteers a bit
more than I should have :)

So, what is the plan for doing this going forward? Should I contact
current hackers who ran out of postcards and ask if they want to keep
doing it? Do we want to replace them and if so, who do we add?

Thanks in advance,

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