Re: Can we document how to do GNOME announcements, please?

Hi Jos,

Jos Poortvliet wrote:
A possibility is to create a which publishes a selection of 
planet.gnome blogs which are meant as announcements.

The difficulty is that I want my blog to be my blog. Sometimes I'll
write about something "newsworthy" but most of the time it's just me.

I really like something like LWN, where you have actual editorial
judgement applied by a team of moderators. Just posting a link & extract
from a news item/announcement is more than enough, unless you're doing
(say) an interview of a "proper" announcement, at which point a
dedicated article is appropriate.

Unless... when you talk about "blogs", you don't mean individual
articles, do you? Because that's basically what I'm suggesting.

And you can have the best of both worlds - create a wordpress for a newsteam 
which publishes on planet and goes to automatically and 
additionally allow the news team to publish selected blog posts there with one 

Yeah... this sounds like what I had in mind :)

We could just use the "Press this" bookmarklet that comes with
Wordpress. Just tested it:

Of course this idea takes more infrastructureal work than having a wordpress 
as so that'll be the limiting factor I suppose.

Well, we have a wordpress, I'm thinking that you can just make point to and have point to the current, and
have it as a link on your wordpress. The theme to make it fit on is probably the bbiggest challenge.

BTW I hereby offer my help with editing and occasional writing (in case of a 
wordpress blog) & selecting (in case of the aggregation proposal). I'd hope my 
experience could also be useful when it comes to setting up a few policies for 
the news team.

Super! I am sure we accept :)


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
dneary gnome org

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