Re: FoG a11y campaign draft, revised!

On Wed, December 14, 2011 9:43 pm, Emily Gonyer wrote:
*Bolded bits/comments mine :)*

GNOME has held accessibility amongst its core values from the project's
inception. Because of this commitment, along with the efforts of many
dedicated developers, GNOME 2 became an award winning accessible free
desktop environment.

"I can testify that I could not have come along as far as I have without
 the work which has been done in GNOME *a*s related to accessibility.
all of the work which was put into things such as screen magnification and
the Orca screen reader, I would still be stuck running outdated commercial
assistive technology software on an up-to-date operating system." --Read
the rest of Robert Cole's story.<link to full testimonial>
(added an 'a' to as)*

good catch!

With the advent of GNOME 3, we have started down an exciting new road in
terms of usability, a road we want to extend to everyone, including users
of all ages and abilities. In addition, features that make devices more
accessible are increasingly needed to make some types of device work for
any user. The GNOME Accessibility team is working hard to accomplish all
of this; however, we have fewer resources than in the past and many goals
yet to achieve in order to make GNOME 3 compellingly accessible.
I feel like this paragraph is somewhat repetitive, and have tried to
rewrite it below, though to be completely honest, I'm still not happy with

With the advent of GNOME 3, we have started down an exciting new path in
terms of usability, one which will include users of all ages and
With all the new devices, new features are needed to keep them accessible
to everyone, and the GNOME Accessibility team is hard at work to make it

Thanks! How about:
With the advent of GNOME 3, we have started down an exciting new path in
terms of usability, which will include users of all ages and abilities.
This drive is not only necessary for those with disabilities but is also
increasingly needed for our devices work for any user. The GNOME
accessibility team is working hard, but its resources are more limited
than in the past.

With your help we can start tackling our goals in this area <link to
jjmarin's list>. Help to make 2012 the Year of Accessibility at GNOME and
let's make the most usable desktop environment the most accessible desktop
environment! Donate $25 or more right now and help us reach another

*Same for this one:

With your help we will continue to tackle the many goals of the
accessibility team, and thereby make GNOME the most accessible desktop
available today. Please help us make 2012 the Year of Accessibility at
GNOME! Donate $25 or more today & encourage others to do the same.*

how about this:

With your help we can tackle <a
accessibility team's many goals</a>, making GNOME the best and most
accessible desktop available today. Please help us make 2012 the Year of
Accessibility at GNOME! Donate $25 or more today and ask your friends to
donate too.

I also linked to the page jjmarin sent around (I just fixed a few typos


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