Re: draft for Friends of GNOME campaign

Forwarding this on to the Ubuntu accessibility team, and they might have
some good real-life stories to share as well.

Michael Hall
mhall119 ubuntu com

On 12/06/2011 12:50 PM, Stormy Peters wrote:

On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 12:22 PM, Dave Neary <dneary gnome org
<mailto:dneary gnome org>> wrote:

    Do we have some examples of GNOME users whose lives were made
    measurably better because of the a11y work we've done? Show-cases
    work wonders.

I agree with Dave that a quote or a case study would make it more real.
People are much more willing to donate to save a particular kid ("Joey")
who is sick than they are to donate to an organization that helps
vaccinate 1000s of kids.

Also, I think we should end with a call to action. What do we want them
to do? ex: "Donate $25 now and help us reach another person."


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