> Hi,
> On 12/01/2011 07:32 PM, Juanjo Marín wrote:
> Dave Neary wrote:
>>> Do you think it might be a good idea to start with a list of Stuff we
> should
>>> write about - notable occurrences during the year, successful programs
> we want
>>> to highlight, etc? From there, it might be easier to find the person
> related to
>>> the event/activity who could write about it.
>> In fact we have started writing a draft for the content for the (Bi)annual
> report
> Ah, cool! I hadn't seen it.
>> By now, I've only talked to Allan Day about writing an article about
> the design process
>> of GNOME 3. I've also worked in the quotation section.
> There are some obvious people to talk to about the different sections:
> Marina for WSOP (and since we already have a press release, that would already
> be a great base for the report article). I'd be interested in doing a short
> interview with Marina about her personal involvement too.
> Summer of Code: Daniel Siegel would be a great person to talk to here - he's
> been co-ordinating mentors and GNOME's involvement to great success for the
> last 3 years, and before that he was a mentor in 2008 and a student in 2007.
> I'd love to get Stormy to write about the process she organised for hiring a
> new executive director - she's a shining counter-example to her thesis that
> people might not "do it again for free" :)
> On the Desktop Summit, I was thinking that we could get quotes like you did for
> GNOME 3. But since it's already done once, perhaps twice would be too much.
> Do you think it's better to do an article per hackfest, or one overall
> article, highlighting each one?
> What do you think of the idea of the application show-case?