Re: bad press in the G+ circles/press


On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 11:40, Allan Day <allanpday gmail com> wrote:
Sriram Ramkrishna <sri ramkrishna me> wrote:
We've been getting a slew of psots on G+ and in the press.  Started by
Linus, has now caused a stampede of well known Linux kernel developers
feeling the need to reject Gnome 3 in public.

Since the press now senses red meat, I wonder if we might be ready with
canned messages if at the Desktop Summit we are approached to comment on
Linus and other's rants against Gnome 3?

The main thing is to set out our positive story rather than to tackle
the negativity head on. There's a standard line that goes something

1. GNOME 3 was a change, there were always going to be some people who
didn't like it.
2. But it has been a huge success. <Insert evidence:
 - We've been regularly contacted by people telling us how much they like it.
 - There have been good reviews in the press.
 - Fedora received a massive boost in popularity due to including it.
 - We've subsequently seen other major OSs following the same design
trajectories - FOSS leading rather than following for once.>
3. But we know there's more to do. 3.0 was the first step; it will get
better and better with subsequent releases.

The most damaging thing that's been said so far - which we need to
counter where possible - is the suggestion that no one likes GNOME 3.
That's a really nasty meme. A straight statement along the lines of 'X
is entitled to his/her opinion, but it goes against the reality that
GNOME 3.0 was hugely successful for that kind of release' is needed.

I  don't really like these canned answers.  So one says "G3 is an
unholy mess" the other one says "G3 is hugely successful". It sounds
to me like "keep talking, I don't listen".  It's like a discussion
between two death persons. It is perfectly fair to say "G3 is bad"
without any argument, it's freedom of speech. The answers of GNOME
people I could read were not fair. (We could wonder why GNOME people
are so sensitive on the subject.)

What about?
- be open
- listen to the feedback,
- don't give canned answers
- engage in constructive discussion,
- avoid derision
- show interest in feedback
- get to the facts;
- go to the source, tackle rumors; what is it founded on?
- if needed, go through a few levels of "why" to reach the point
- use numbers
- avoid vague quantities "so many", "a lot", "several", etc.
- encourage people to report more formal feedback (mailing list, buzilla, wiki)
- really, listen to the feedback

I did not see much of this in the "unholy threads" mentioned above,


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