Re: Gnome user group and Gnome 3 release Event! from srilanaka.

Dear Fred and Pockey,

Thanks for the quick reply!

above goodies,i will keep trying to get sponsor form software
companies and i will try to ask out shops for how much cost will be to
produce banner and balloon if it is low cost i will sponsor my self or
else if it will be big amount will try to get sponsors.

and for the domain i will add cc to  gnome-infrastructure gnome org
and will keep ask over there because it is very important for
connecting people under official group i will work hard to get this!

as much i can find free time to work with gnome and keep updating news
from srilanka!

Thank in advance!


On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 9:38 PM, Pockey Lam <pockeylam gnome org> wrote:
Hi Suresh,

On top of what Fred advised, please find some GNOME related slides here:

And if you need help in getting a domain of, please send
a request to the gnome-infrastructure list and specify your need and
gnome-infrastructure gnome org

All the best to your event and your establishment of GNOME User Group!
Please do let us know if you have any other question and keep us posted on
the status :)


On 04/13/2011 11:56 PM, Frederic Muller wrote:

Dear Suresh,

First thank you for contacting us and showing so much interest in promoting
GNOME. I have copied the gugmasters-list@ as it is usually a more
appropriate place for those kind of requests.

For the goodies part you have unfortunately missed the launch party offer by
about 2 months (we sent goodies to any party organizer who registered before
February 15th). I am not sure when we will have a similar offer again. My
experience in Bangalore during the GNOME.Asia Summit was that production
costs in India were very low as. I assume it stands true for Sri Lanka as

Considering you seem to be trying to organize quite a big event I would aim
to secure a few local sponsors (such as local IT companies, NPO, companies
targeting your people interested by technology). I think if you're able to
make a clear budget to cover water cost and a few stickers/balloons/banner
you will easily find people or companies to support you. We will happily
review your work if you need.

Regarding setting up a gnome user group I would first recommend you this
presentation that was given during the 2011 GNOME.Asia Summit:

then visit which goes into more details.

And then you can come back to us posting on gugmasters-list@ with further
questions if you have any.

I hope I managed to address your question and look forward to be able to
help further if needed.



On 04/13/2011 11:27 PM, Suresh Packiyarajah wrote:

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Dear folks,

First of all i would like to thanks for here from me!

I comes from Srilanka(near the india) my name is Suresh! newly guard
from university and begin working with Network Eng! already i am
working with Fedora as a Fedora Ambassador-Srilanka and project
contributor,Locational projects too!

We are going to do first Event from Open source name like Fedora
Activity Day with Gnome and Firefox ! may be it will happen within
couple of months(almost may end)
still i have an activity with adding cc to bugs and most of time used
to online #gnome(freenode),#gnome(,#bug reviewing the
old log which i needed for the my future activity with gnome and
answering question at#gnome(freenode) if i knew.

Couple of day ago i spoke to AV(Andrea Veri) via IRC who is working
for sysadmin part (and our Fedora team member too) about how can i
contribute to gnome.actually what we need from marketing team some
advices and some matériels.because we are going to do this first even
very grandly so i am planning to put three boots in order to
Fedora,Gnome and Firefox also main presentation at Auditorium via
speakers!i have many university students help so there are no issue
with it and computer multimedia presentation equipments by university.

I am official Fedora/Redhat person so i will provided from Fedora
media live cd/Dvd,balloons,pens and stickers meanwhile wearing fedora
T-shirt and Fedora banner too.
i would like to here from you can you provide a like Gnome
stickers,some gnome balloons and mainly i need Gnome banner.because i
am going to arrange these things for Gnome boot.and also i have
contacted with Mozilla may be i will received confirm mail by this week.

i have keep in touch subscriber of Gnome marketing channel i would
like to do Gnome marketing in srilanka to spread Gnome among srilanka
only if you are allowed the permission.

Also i would like to ask we are going to have gnome user group under
asia summit in-order to have this can you provide domain for this and
other facilities too .here we have many university students pc's
running under gnome.they all willing to join with gnome world and hope
it will bridge between gnome world and srilanka.

once i finished our event i will keep update reports and events photos
to gnome wiki and keep in touch with gnome marketing team!

i have run social media network via facebook and twitter to connects
gnome fans around the world.

i hope you all have understood our motivations.we all look forward to
here from You!

Thanks for your all valuable time!

Fedora wiki
Gnomewiki :
Packiyarajah <>
Gnome social network[5]:

Just a little less than two months out, but good to start and plan! :)
Sending positive Fedora 14 and Fedora 15 energy from my computer to
yours. :v)

Please have a great day and/or evening! :~)

Thank You



- - Suresh -


Sureshkumar Packiyarajah
- - - ---
Fedora Ambassador - Sri Lanka.

- ---------------------------------
full time linux registered user#531647
ieee:suresh17 ieee org <mailto:ieee:suresh17 ieee org>

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