Re: Traineeships at GNOME

Hi Jaap,

Sounds like a good idea. I hope you can use GUADEC for this, as it seems now there will be a short session about education during the pre-conference. If you could organise something that could attract students to this, that would be great. During the pre-conference (Open Desktop Day - see ). There will also be attention for the role of education. Your presence would be great, and if you have ideas about the strengthening the relations between education-community-business, that 'd be very interesting.

Sanne (GUADEC organisation team-NL).
+ 31 6 14829390

Jaap A. Haitsma schreef:

In the Netherlands it's normal that computer science students need to
do 6 month traineeship at a company working on a certain project.
Outside the Google SOC program I've never really noticed (but I might
have missed it) trainees working on GNOME.

I thought it might be an idea to have a traineeships page at
where companies can propose possible traineeships. With the trainees
we can get some love back that Bastien is missing [1]. Actually his
email triggered this one.

Has it ever been tried in the past to promote traineeships for GNOME
outside of the SOC scope?

Another related idea is to have a jobs page where companies can post
GNOME related job ads. We could even opt to ask some donation for
placing the ad ($100 ?). Or we could make it a perk for corporate
sponsors of GNOME. If they pay x a year they get the job ads for free.

What are your thoughts about this?




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