Re: Updated data for Foundation's brochure

Em Ter, 2010-05-18 às 11:31 -0500, Bharat Kapoor escreveu:

Take a look at this - we started working on it at the hackfest.

It still needs graphic work.

How soon do u need it

Hi, Bharat.

Actually I don't need it with urgency. If the Marketing team is working
on a new, updated brochure focused in GNOME 3.0, I'd love to wait until
it's ready.

Do you have any idea on when it will be final?

Here in Brazil we will have two main events. One of them is in July
(FISL, will happen the week before GUADEC).

The other one is the main GNOME event here, called GNOME Forum. It will
happen in November, 1 month after GNOME 3.0 release.

So, my idea is to print some brochures and take to these 2 events.

In my talks I'm already talking about the GNOME Foundation and why is
important people to donate. So, having these brochures to give to
companies/people interested in GNOME would be a plus!

Jonh Wendell

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