Utah Open Source Conference - Oct 2010

I've been quiet on this list for some time, but I thought this might
be of some interest.

Each year the Salt Lake City (UT) Open Source community puts on an
Conference (http://2010.utosc.com). The call for papers just
officially went out, which means it is also time to get things
organized for the GNOME booth.

I managed the booth last year (and Stormy did a keynote at the
conference). I am more than willing to manage the booth again this
year. I just wanted to get the word out about the dates ASAP. In other
words "I call dibs on the booth October 7-9, 2010!" :)

I would suggest anyone else in the region check out the website and
consider attending. I have attended/presented for the last four years
and it has been a lot of fun each time!

Please let me know / remind me what I need to do in order to schedule
and arrange for the booth, as well as get GNOME listed as an

Christer Edwards

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