Grazer Linuxtage 2010

Hi folks,

while similar attempts during the last years have been unsuccessfull, I'll 
give it another try.

It is my understanding that contacting a number of individuals of either 
community did not yet result in any sumbission for talks or project 
participation so I guess it makes sense to also make the broader marketing 
related groups aware of the invitation.

The Grazer Linuxtage are a one day FOSS event (used to be two) in Graz, 

The audience has shifted significantly from geeks to end users and a lot of 
questions of last years visitors couldn't be answered appropriately [1].

If you could forward this to people potentially interested in representing 
your respective communities or tell us who we could try, we and our visitors 
would be very grateful.


[1] I had an information stand for KDE but I am also part of the event staff 
and thus couldn't spend as much time as necessary there.
I also have insufficient knowledge about most of the GNOME stuff so I was only 
able to help with general desktop related things.

Kevin Krammer @ LinuxTage:              kevin linuxtage at
Grazer LinuxTage - Kontakt:             graz10 linuxtage at
Grazer LinuxTage 24. April 2010:
Linuxwochen 2010 in Österreich:

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