Re: bugs & press

I'd be surprised that this is the case. Gedit and Gnumeric both use
gio/gvfs at least in their latest releases. I'd be very surprised if
that is broken because in that case almost no GNOME app would be able
to save to a network share

So maybe best to ask her which version she is running of GNOME and which distro


On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 19:25, Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org> wrote:
Carla Schroder is a press person who's been pretty friendly towards us. Any
way we could get this bug fixed and then send her an email? Maybe she'd
write about it ...

(And please don't send her any emails of "it's already fixed if she'd just
do this" or "it won't be fixed because ..." or ...)


From Facebook:

Carla Schroder Yet one more reason Gnome is annoying and broken: Gedit and
Gnumeric will not save to network shares. Many old bug reports languish.

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