Friends of GNOME

A big thanks to everybody who worked on revamping our Friends of
GNOME pages.  I did some proofreading and made some improvements.
Patch attached.  I also want to bring a few things to the attention
of the list:

1) The thank-you page suggests subscribing to foundation-list to
get updates.  I think foundation-announce-list is more appropriate
for updates.  Stormy mentioned on IRC possibly suggesting multiple
lists, saying she'd like to encourage people to get more involved.
I think that's a good idea.

2) The page to print to send in a payment by check has different
friends levels than the front page.  I suspect this page wasn't
even updated.  Not only are the levels different, but it says the
framed foot will be signed by TigerT & Miguel de Icaza, instead
of the Board of Directors.

3) Also on the check page, the "YES!" checkbox is above the friend
levels.  This feels very awkward, because the preceding sentence
introduces the friend level, ending with a pretty little colon.
Putting something between that sentence and the list of levels
feels very awkward.


Attachment: fog-shaunm-090114.patch
Description: Text Data

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