Re: Some musings on marketing and GNOME 3.0.

On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 2:24 PM, Diego Escalante Urrelo
<diegoe gnome org> wrote:
On 4/11/09, Sriram Ramkrishna <sri ramkrishna me> wrote:
When people buy a Mac, they aren't just buying a machine they are buying
into a lifestyle (or so they want you to believe. :-) and into an exciting
ecosystem of "beautiful things".  We need to do something similar in our
approach to GNOME 3.0.  Specifically, we should try to do a number of

Agree. Mac doesn't even run lots of apps by usual windows users, yet
they don't mind because they have something 'cooler'. They buy status.
Now, we have the disadvantage of not costing more money :-) (refer to
all those analysis about free (not software limited) perceived as
worse, etc).

They primarily buy an excellent user experience. The status comes from
that. If you haven't internalized that the primary reason for their
success is the beginning-to-end excellent user experience, and
thinking it is about cost or status or... whatever... you're not
grokking why apple is successful.


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