Re: Revamping Friends of GNOME: help with web page text (with updated text!)


Brian Cameron wrote:
Millions of people already use GNOME, today.

"Millions" is a big number.  Can we site a resource?  If not, perhaps
we should be more vague and say something like "People around the world
are discovering the advantages of using GNOME.  If you have not yet made
the switch to supporting free software, there is no time like the

Some possible sources:

* Ubuntu user numbers: Over 8 million

"Q:What about growth in adoption rates, any kind of numbers that you can
give me?

A:We know now that there are probably at least 8 million [Ubuntu] users."

A Canonical merson told me recently that "the vast majority of those are
running GNOME".

* Ubuntu market share:  According to Desktop Linux, roughly 30%

Add in the GNOME users on RHEL, Fedora Core, SLED, OpenSuse, Debian, ...

Let's make some basic assumptions just to make a rough calculation.
First, let's assume that the market share stats from desktoplinux are
accurate, and that Mark's statement holds water. If 30% = 8M, 100% =
26.7M (which tallies closely with the Linux counter estimate), and the
distribution user bases break down like this:

Ubuntu:       8   M
Suse:         5.6 M
Other Debian: 3.75M
Fedora/RH:    2.4 M
Gentoo:       1.8 M
Others:       4.8 M

(yes, this adds up to 99%)

Let's be generous and break Ubuntu down 75/25 GNOME/KDE - 6 million
GNOME users. Let's say that Suse users now break 50/50, given that GNOME
is the default there. 2.8M. Other Debian: let's be generous and break
that down 55/45 to KDE (Knoppix, Mepis, etc...): 1.7M. And for Fedora,
GNOME's got a long-standing relationship, so let's break that 80/20 to
us too. 1.92M. Let's assume, for arguments sake, that all Gentoo users
are not using GNOME, and of the 18% "Others", let's break that down
60/40 to KDE. 1.92M GNOME users.

Grand total: 14.34M GNOME users of a total base of 26.7M.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
bolsh gnome org

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