Re: Revamping Friends of GNOME: help with web page text

Stormy Peters wrote:
You guys are awesome! Thanks, Andreas and Kalle.

I like the design and I like the changes you made.
Thanks, glad you like it!
Seeing in a nice design like this, I see changes I want to make in the 
text - what's the best way to proceed? Should I keep a separate text 
doc that we paste in later?
Yeah, I think that will be the easiest. We can put it in once the text is corrected.
- Andreas

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 4:13 PM, Andreas Nilsson <nisses mail home se <mailto:nisses mail home se>> wrote:
    Andreas Nilsson wrote:

        Stormy Peters wrote:

            Thoughts? Anyone willing to help with the web page?
        Kalle Persson and myself want to look into the design of this
        during the weekend.

    Here are the designs Kalle and I did:

    We were uncertain about some details, such as if it was only the
    "Adopt a Hacker" level that was monthly, plus some other stuff
    that I can't remember right now (do you Kalle?).
    As the hippies we are, we also took the liberty to not follow the
    specification specifically. ;)
    Hrm, no, seriously, we mostly rearranged some stuff and we hope it
    came out for the better.

    There is also a svg with all the elements in it here if anyone
    wants to modify it:

    We can fix the html and css for this unless someone else eagerly
    wants to do it (I recall some e-mail about this, but I can't seem
    to find it now). Not sure what's easiest.
    - Andreas

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