
Martin Aspeli wrote:

I'm not sure this would be any different to what you have with Plone:
it's a readily available CMS, it can connect to your LDAP account
system, you can let let anyone create a password and edit pages.

Fair enough.

The problem seems to be that no-one is actually doing the work to get it
up to a live site. I saw the current state of play at the Plone
Conference and it looks tantalisingly close. However, unless someone
actually has the time, power and interest to put it on a live server and
turn the key so that it actually becomes, then it's always
going to be "nearly done", as it has been for over a year.


I see a few people here trying to make it happen, and I hope those
people *will* make it happen. Respectfully, I think that starting from
scratch with a new technology stack right now would cost you another
6-12 months of re-work unless you suddenly find a lot of dedicated
people with the time, power and interest to make this happen.

I have been thinking about starting to set up a Joomla installation and play
with it myself.  I can't say I feel comfortable enough to do that with Plone.
 So we have two options:

  * Wait another year or two and hope the Plone thing happens,

  * Start experimenting with other things, if they make it faster, so be it.

I probably go dig the requirements discussions from two years ago and start
playing with Joomla.  That said, no changes in the Plone plan needed.



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