Re: Help with screenshots!

Le lundi 10 mars 2008 à 15:52 -0500, Diego Escalante Urrelo a écrit :
On 3/10/08, Claude Paroz <claude 2xlibre net> wrote:
Le lundi 10 mars 2008 à 17:26 +0100, Andreas Nilsson a écrit :

Hi all!
 > A lot screenshots are now up in the 2.22 release notes, but we're still
 > missing some screenshots.
 > I just have a live cd running gutsy alpha6, so I'm unable to get these
 > working. :(
 > To make them look as sweet as possible, you should be running Clearlooks
 > in combination with gnome-icon-theme and the default gnome background [1]
 > For section 3.3:
 > Some cool screenshot showing the information bar when you insert
 > removable media.
 > For section 3.4:
 > It would be nice to show off the youtube plugin here.
 > For section 5.2
 > A screenshot showing off that you can get a connection via your mobile
 > phone (this is what GPRS is, right?)

The release-notes should be considered as freezed now. Please take into
 account that translators also need time to do their job correctly.

 Thanks for your understanding.

How do you expect me to ever get a funny postcard then?
I'll send you one, just tell me your postal address :-)


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