Theme assistance for the Asia summit


I would like to ask the marketing list for some new ideas on the
GNOME.Asia summit theme. I am including the early thoughts and
suggestions we have had for the theme. GNOME is not widely known in Asia
but free software generally is. 

It would be nice to have a theme which showcases the fact this is the
first meeting in Asia for GNOME.

Please feel free to mail me or the list with any feedback, suggestions
or brainstormed thoughts. 

Thank you all!

Will LaShell

Candidate theme ideas we have had so far:
1) Free your desktop, free your mind
2) We bring free software to your screen
3) The desktop for human beings
4) Building our desktop community
5) Connecting free software with Asian communities
6) Fostering free software development in Asia
7) The free desktop for Asia

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