Re: [Fwd: Gtk/Cairo in real life: Ultrasound System from South of France]

I updated the Annual Report page on LGO to reflect some of these
ideas, specifically around devices.  If anyone wants to add ot the
list of devices at the bottom of the page, it would be helpful.


On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 6:00 PM, Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org> wrote:
I agree. It would be really cool to have different devices throughout the
report and a filmstrip right by the article might really drive home how it's


On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 2:51 PM, Brian Cameron <Brian Cameron sun com> wrote:


While at that, to incorporate the idea that many (most?) people just
check out
the photos and read their captions when browsing an annual report, I was
thinking that maybe we can do a photostrip (four small photos/shots in a
for each distro/device, with a two/three line caption.

Sun Ray is an interesting device that supports GNOME, and probably hasn't
been featured in this way before.  While not a small device in the sense
a PDA, it is a novel thin client and has many issues similar to other
devices (such as dealing with network latency issues).  Over the years,
aware of a number of performance tweaks that have gone into GNOME as a
result of getting GNOME working on Sun Ray.

For FOSDEM last year the Sun Ray team branded some units with the KDE
Perhaps they could be talked into doing a GNOME one as well?

Of course, there is also the Nokia units which use GNOME, and the One
Per Child computer.


This begs the question, what GNOME-based devices officially launched in


On Wed, 2008-12-03 at 15:13 +0000, Lucas Rocha wrote:

Hi Stormy,

2008/12/3 Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org>:

I definitely think we should put it in the annual report.

Agree. Not sure it should be a full article about it. Maybe I good way
to include it is in the now called "2008 in Distributions" article
(could be renamed to something more general) which will be written by
Davyd (cc'ing him now).


On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 9:32 AM, Dave Neary <dneary gnome org> wrote:


Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:

This is kind of cool.  Although I find it strange that nobody
to this.  I've not been following my GNOME mail due to school..
otherwise I would have.

Indeed - it's very cool, and I have referred to this on a number of
occasions as a very cool example of the GNOME platform in use in a
vertical application - mostly on GNOME Mobile.

I think we should also get a story from them, and put it either in
GNOME Journal or in the annual report. Or both!


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
dneary gnome org
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