Re: [Fwd: Re: gnome 2.21 schedule.]

On Sat, 15 Sep 2007 00:09:33 +0200
Vincent Untz <vuntz gnome org> wrote:

The idea is interesting, and we might be able to change the schedule
for this. However, what we really need is the opinion of the
marketing team: if we do this, we have to get a really clear and
understandable message.

Maybe, you could elaborate why a having "clear and understandable
message" ought to be a prerequisite for moving the schedule by one week?

I'm really not sure why you want that.

Maybe I misunderstand the "message" term, here? Are you thinking about
a topic and headline for the relase? Or a kind of slogan?

Whatever, there are many journalists at Cebit. So, by changing the
schedule, journalists are more likely to

 a) visit the GNOME booth because of this, and 
 b) report about the GNOME release because they are there, anyway.

IIRC, the German team already mixed the GNOME release with CeBIT in the
past. This was done for GNOME 2.14, 2.16, and 2.18. See, for example
[1] and [2] (in German).

OTOH, Cebit will produce lots of IT news, and the GNOME release might be
overlooked when all the big companies make their annoucements.

So, what we would need is NOT a special messeage (I really hope I
interprete the term correctly) but a few reminders and motivators. For
example, we would need to have a GNOME celebrity at the booth to make
the annoucement or be ready for interviews. Stuff like that.

So, in my opinion, if there's a plan by the German team to make the
release at the Cebit a little bit of an event, then changing the
schedule would be good thing.

Of course, it would help if there's something special to report (a
message) that improves chances to make a headline. But given the release
model, we should not rely on it.

Just my 2 cents.



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