Ohio LinuxFest 2007 -- What are you doing?

Ohio LinuxFest 2007 is just around the corner!  How are you helping?

September 29th will see more than 1000 Linux enthusiasts and professionals gather at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio for Ohio LinuxFest 2007. Featuring some great speakers such as Max Spevack of Fedora and Bradley Kuhn of the Software Freedom Law Center and excellent exhibits, Ohio LinuxFest is the largest Linux related gathering in the midwest and an excellent opportunity to sell GNOME.

As last year, GNOME has a booth to demonstrate all of the cool stuff in GNOME. But we're going a step further, working with the great folks at the Fedora, Ubuntu, and Foresight Linux booths to create a Linux Desktop area where you can get a real feel for Linux on the desktop and experience some of the new hotness that is GNOME 2.20!

What are you doing to help out with this monumental event? We can use people to help out in the following areas:

1. Working the booth. You don't need to be an expert with GNOME, you just need to be friendly and able to explain some of the nice features of GNOME. Even if you only have an hour, your time is very much appreciated.

2. Help design demos. Is there a killer feature of GNOME that you think people might want to see? Shoot me an email and we'll try to figure out how to demo it. I know what I like, but I'm one person. What would you like to see?

3. Blog about Ohio LinuxFest! Mention that GNOME is presenting in a Desktop Linux area and that folks should come to see what's new.

4. Attend Ohio LinuxFest! Basic registration is FREE! How amazing is that? A free conference with killer speakers that doesn't cost a dime! You can also get the all conference pass for $65, which comes with food, a t-shirt, and special vendor swag!

5. Whatever other wacky way you can think of!

OLF is huge and no matter where you, you can help make this event a success. What are you doing to make GNOME's OLF presence awesome?


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