Re: wgo/get_started/on_ms_windows

On 3/12/07, Joachim <joachim gnome googlemail com> wrote:
The writing process will go faster if we work iteratively on the text
itself, rather than a slow process of write - review and nitpick on mailing
lists - write again - nitpick. Basically, we should use the Wikipedia model
and edit directly.
Also, havinbg more than one person working on a text means ideas can bounce
back and forth. The result is often better text than what one writer can
produce. Especially one writer with no ideas ;)
We have given access to anyone requesting it. I opened the door to
"volunteers just wanting one page to write and send it by email" only
because we were stalled, and the response was good. Now the content is
in the site and ready to be iterated.

I don't understand what is going on in plone or how to create all the
Taking 'About' --- am I supposed to create subpages? How?
Mmm... I believe you already asked that question a while ago and I
believe you were answered. If not, we can answer or you can find out
(it is as easy as going to the mother page and click on "new page" or
something like that).

However, you don't need to create any section or page, all this has
been done already. Have you checked ?  :)

The questions have been sitting open on the wiki for 6 months:

"wgo >> About

"The basics of the GNOME software, what it is and how it is created. "Not
sure what we're putting here! Thoughts, anyone?
In six months the answers have evolved.

In we are providing the most
essential information contained in the section. You are expecting like
instructions or a concrete proposal?

What do you want to be said about Gnome?
Is it GNOME or Gnome?
What is Gnome anyway?
Take the tour is answering "What is GNOME - Product", About is
answering "What is GNOME - project, organization and people". I
believed I also answered in the same terms months ago. I seem to
remember you or someone disagreed, but we didn't get and I still don't
see any problem with having a very normal and standard "about us"

If I don't get answers to these soon, I will make it up. Gnome is a
delicious cream cheese sandwich filling....
The What is GNOME thing is in this page: . I sent this URL here
weeks ago for revision, and it got just a couple of comments with
minor changes.

Hope this helps to get you more centered.  :)

Quim Gil ///

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