Re: [Fwd: OSGeo-India activity report and draft press release]

Can we have some kind of conference report?  (or an article?)


On Tue, Mar 06, 2007 at 12:19:35PM +0100, Dave Neary wrote:
Hi all,

We partnered with OSGeo some months ago to allow them to receive funding
for a conference they were organising in India - the partnership was a
great success, everything went well, they got the money we needed and
have made great strides in their project since.

I asked Rajan of OSGeo-India to draft a press release about the
collaboration, and here's the first draft. Could I get comments on this,
please, and suggestions for ways it might be improved? I actually think
it's pretty good as-is, except that it doesn't go into the exact nature
of the collaboration.


K. S. Rajan wrote:
I have made a first draft of the announcement/ press release, though I
am not completely aware of the exact nature of the collaboration that
was formed between OSGeo and GNOME. I hope it helps provide some start
point that can be refined further.  Also, if you feel like it is better
to add some pics to this report then do let me know.
Btw, Geoff has a small write up on his blog -

Also, find ATTACHED the Report on the OSGeo-India activities at Map
World Forum.

The other activities in the last few months, after Map World Forum in
Jan 2007,  have been as follows -
(1) OSGeo-India was represented and a presentation made at LINUX ASIA in
Delhi. Feb 1-2, 2007
(2) OSGeo tools were showcased and hands on experience provided to
delegates at a Special Session at National Conference on Biodiversity
Conservation & Human Well-Being, at Osmania University, Hyderabad. Feb
8-10, 2007.
(3) OSGeo-India will make 2 presentations at the GIS Session, organized
as part of 'National Convention on Free Software' by the Free Software
Foundation of India, at Hyderabad. Feb 3-4, 2007

***** Version 1 of Press release - this is quite a general one and might
need additions/modifications, especially since I haven't written
anything about the concerned parties that released the funds like
Redhat, Michael

[TITLE] OSGeo Collaborates with GNOME
OSGeo, a not-for-profit organization working towards providing support
and development of open source tools and applications related in the
field of Geospatial technologies, announces collaboration with GNOME
foundation. This partnership between these two major organizations that
aim to provide for free and open access to the software technologies
will help strengthen the ongoing efforts of similarly minded bodies.
Especially, it is an important milestone, since the current market for
geospatial technologies is still flooded primarily by proprietary
software systems.
An outcome of this collaboration was on display during the recently held
Map World Forum in India, where OSGeo-India, the Indian Chapter of
OSGeo, put up an exhibition booth and also arranged a Workshop. These
events helped to disseminate and educate the geospatial community of the
enormous opportunities that free and open source geospatial software
tools provide, the advances and the level of technology development in
order to provide effective geospatial solutions. During the workshop
different models of development and use of free and open source (FOSS)
tools and its potential in the domains of academia, government
(including organizations mandated with national development, and
e-governance), and business were presented. It was one of the best
attended sessions at the forum.
OSGeo and OSGeo-India extend their thanks to GNOME in supporting these
activities and also hopes that this collaboration will stand in good
stead for both the parties, while working towards their respective
organizational objectives.
***** End *****

***** Version 2 of Press release -  Please Note that this has been
drafted keeping the Indian Media in mind. Look forward to your inputs on

[TITLE]  Open Source and GIS (in India)
Recently, a national not for profit (NPO) society called OSGeo-India was
launched at Hyderabad during the recently held Map World Forum, 2007.
The society in India is an outcome of the efforts of a small group of
volunteer scientists and researchers in India who want to bring the GIS
technologies to public domain and help popularize the use of such
technologies for national development. It is the first independent
national Chapter created of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation
( that was launched worldwide in early 2006. The goal of this
society is to provide support and development of open source tools and
applications related to the field of GIS and its allied sciences. One of
its primary aims is to develop a community of both the users of such
products and the developers who can contribute in developing high
quality open source software. The society will work towards the goals of
the foundation, both in the context of software development,
e-governance, localisation (Indian language support for GIS tools) and
building of awareness & outreach of such software systems. OSGeo-India
collaborates with and other similarly minded organizations
like the GNOME Foundation. OSGeo-India thanks these organizations for
the support that it has provided in giving shape to the Society here in
OSGeo-India will have its headquarters at International Institute of
Information Technology

GIS and its tools are increasingly becoming relevant in variety of
domains ranging from simple tools such as providing route maps to
complex decision making needs of large governmental bodies and
organizations. The GIS or geospatial community consists of not only the
technical developers of this technology but also the users, content
providers, and solution providers based on this technology.
***** End *****
Dave Neary
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