Re: Marketing & promotion - Cheat sheets, LiveCDs, community calendar

I have a vmware image demoing GNOME 2.17.92 and would love to get some
feedback.  The LiveCD will be ready to show soon too.

Please let me know what you think and lets start collecting a list of
things to change.  I know we need some content to add to the Desktop
like the last LiveCD had.  We need to update the old documents.  Does
anyone know if those are in svn somewhere?


On 2/19/07, Dave Neary <dneary free fr> wrote:
Hi all,

I just went back and revisited the series of blog articles I wrote last
year before GUADEC:

Marketing GNOME: third-party developers:

Marketing GNOME: Certification:

Marketing GNOME: Public administrations:

Marketing GNOME: Hobbyists:

And also the follow-on notes from marketing BOF:

There are a bunch of dangling actions there that some young lion(s)
could pick up & run with, if they so desired - I'm not one to allocate
tasks to unwilling volunteers, so I'll just make a list - if one of
these grabs your eye, shout, seize, do. Become a hero :)

* User group cheat sheets
 - How to start a GNOME user group
 - What to do when running a GNOME stand in a local conference
 - Key points when giving a presentation on GNOME (reference on giving a
presentation: Really Bad Powerpoint, by Seth Godin)
 - Budgeting for your user group

* LiveCD and Xen VM image of GNOME 2.18
 - Who wants to work on a LiveCD based on Ubuntu Edgy or Fedora Core 6
with GNOME 2.17.2?
 - How about a Xen image?
 - How about localised versions? Marcus, where are you? we need you man!

* GNOME edition of OpenCD or WinLibre
 - Getting together a collection of GTK+ applications for Windows for a
GNOME edition of a Windows CD for magazine covers
 - Should include apps which use GTK+ on Linux and other toolkits on
other platforms (Audacity, OO.o, Thunderbird, Firefox, etc)

* Maintaining a GNOME community calendar
 - Someone want to take over the GNOME event calendar (I just created
it: )? Ideally, the calendar could be managed in a fairly distributed
manner - it should include all events (national & international) where
GNOME will/should/could be present and all events where a GNOME
community member is presenting some aspect of the project. It could even
be broader than that, but that's still pretty good.

Public ICS:

Public HTML:

Anyone who wants to help admin this (and ideally, all of you would like
to do that), mail me your address, I'll sign you up.

We need people to start touring with this stuff - the message has got to
get out, everyone involved in GNOME can make a difference by making
themselves known to local advocates and press, by getting to know their
local journalists and politicians, by presenting GNOME at a local LUG,
or by manning the GNOME stand at your local expo.

So - hands up, who wants to take on these tasks? Who would like to
suggest others?


Dave Neary
dneary free fr
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